SaveOptions DmlEffectsRenderingMode property. Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered in is used when the document is exported to fixed page...effects in a document as we save it to PDF. Document doc = new Document...
PageSetup SheetsPerBooklet property. Returns or sets the number of pages to be included in each booklet in C#....configure a document that can be printed as a book fold. Document doc...doc = new Document (); // Insert text that spans 16 pages. DocumentBuilder...
Frameset FrameDefaultUrl property. Gets or sets the web page URL or Document file name to display in this frame in C#....or sets the web page URL or document file name to display in this...access frames on-page. // Document contains several frames with...
FieldDocVariable VariableName property. Gets or sets the name of the Document variable to retrieve in C#....Gets or sets the name of the document variable to retrieve. public...display document properties and variables. Document doc = new...
Font Name property. Gets or sets the name of the font in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); Run run = new...DocumentBuilder. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
BuildingBlock AcceptStart method. Accepts a visitor for visiting the start of the BuildingBlock in C#....visitor DocumentVisitor The document visitor. Return Value The...custom building block to a document. public void CreateAndInsert...
Shape HasImage property. Returns true if the shape has image bytes or links an image in C#....images from a document. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + " to extract images from a document, and save them to the local...
FormField Enabled property. True if a form field is enabled in C#....into a document, and process them with using a document visitor...void Visitor () { Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...