RevisionCollection RejectAll method. Rejects all revisions in this collection in with a document’s collection of revisions. Document doc = Document ( MyDir + "Revisions.docx" ); RevisionCollection...
RtfSaveOptions SaveImagesAsWmf property. When true all images will be saved as WMF in convert all images in a document to the Windows Metafile the document as an RTF. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
FixedPageSaveOptions PageSavingCallback property. Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a Document is exported to fixed page format in C#....separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed use a callback to save a document to HTML page by page. public...
StructuredDocumentTag SdtType property. Gets type of this Structured Document tag in C#....Gets type of this Structured document tag . public SdtType SdtType...structured document tag. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir +...
IStructuredDocumentTag SdtType property. Gets type of this Structured Document tag in C#....Gets type of this Structured document tag . public SdtType SdtType...structured document tag. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir +...
Gets or sets the Document name to display for example in a print status dialog box or printer queue while printing the Gets or sets the document name to display (for example...queue) while printing the document. public string DocumentName...
AbsolutePositionTab Accept method. Accepts a visitor in C#....position tab characters with a document visitor. public void DocumentToTxt...DocumentToTxt () { Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Absolute...
Creates a new FormEditoraspose.html.forms/formeditor based on HTMLFormElementaspose.html/htmlformelement....Forms assembly Aspose.HTML Create(HTMLDocument...FormEditor Create ( HTMLDocument document , int index ) Parameter Type...