GridJsWorkbook method. Saves the memory data to the sream baseed on the origin file format...GridJs assembly Aspose.Cells.GridJs SaveToExcelFile(string)...namespace Aspose.Cells.GridJs assembly Aspose.Cells.GridJs English...
Cell method. Returns all Characters objects that represents a range of characters within the cell text...Cells assembly Aspose.Cells GetCharacters(bool)...Cell namespace Aspose.Cells assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
WebWorksheets property. Gets the Worksheet element at the specified index...Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridWeb WebWorksheets...Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridWeb...
Row method. Checks whether this object refers to the same row with another...Cells assembly Aspose.Cells Equals(Row) Checks...Row namespace Aspose.Cells assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
GridCommentCollection method. Removes the comment of the specific cell...Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridWeb RemoveAt(int...Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridWeb English...
GridPivotTable method. Gets the specific fields by the field type...Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridWeb Fields(string)...Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridWeb English...
Gets field of the form by field name. Throws excpetion if the field was not found....Forms assembly Aspose.PDF Form indexer (2...namespace Aspose.Pdf.Forms assembly Aspose.PDF IsSynchronized...
Gets subfield contained in this field by name of the subfield....Forms assembly Aspose.PDF Field indexer (2...namespace Aspose.Pdf.Forms assembly Aspose.PDF IsSynchronized...