GetKey HeaderCollection.GetKey method Gets the key at the specified index of the collection. public virtual string Ge......namespace Aspose.Email.Mime assembly Aspose.Email GetEnumerator...
BeforeItemCallback BeforeItemCallback delegate BeforeItemCallback is called before the next item is processed, the ty......namespace Aspose.Email.Common.Delegate assembly Aspose.Email ItemCallbackArgs...
TextAttachmentCharset KnownPropertyList.TextAttachmentCharset field Specifies the character set of an attachment rece......namespace Aspose.Email.Mapi assembly Aspose.Email TestLineSpeed...
Classification KnownPropertyList.Classification field Contains a list of the classification categories to which the a......namespace Aspose.Email.Mapi assembly Aspose.Email ChildrensNames...
StartDate MapiTask.StartDate property Gets or sets the date on which the user expects work on the task to begin. publ......namespace Aspose.Email.Mapi assembly Aspose.Email ReminderTime...
DpiX MailPrinter.DpiX property Gets or sets the horizontal DPI. public double DpiX { get ; set ; } Property Value The......namespace Aspose.Email.Printing assembly Aspose.Email CultureName...