Urls Contact.Urls property Gets list of urls public UrlList Urls { get ; } See Also class UrlList class Contact names......namespace Aspose.Email.PersonalInfo assembly Aspose.Email Surname...
PageOffset PageInfo.PageOffset property Gets offset of a page public int PageOffset { get ; set ; } See Also class Pa......namespace Aspose.Email.Clients assembly Aspose.Email NextPage...
ToAmpHtml AmpAttributes.ToAmpHtml method Represents amp html version of attributes. public virtual string ToAmpHtml (......AmpAttributes namespace Aspose.Email.Amp assembly Aspose.Email Width ToHtml...
OfficeLocation Contact.OfficeLocation property Gets or sets office location public string OfficeLocation { get ; set ......namespace Aspose.Email.PersonalInfo assembly Aspose.Email NotesFormat...
Error OnenoteOperation.Error property The error returned by the operation. public string Error { get ; } See Also cla......namespace Aspose.Email.Clients.Graph assembly Aspose.Email CreatedDateTime...
Delegator MapiTaskUsers.Delegator property Gets or sets task delegator. public string Delegator { get ; set ; } See A......namespace Aspose.Email.Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Attendees LastAssigner...
Encoding FileAppender.Encoding property Gets or sets the encoding. public string Encoding { get ; set ; } See Also cl......namespace Aspose.Email.Tools.Logging assembly Aspose.Email FileAppender...
Header Formatter.Header property Gets or sets the header. public virtual string Header { get ; } See Also class Forma......namespace Aspose.Email.Tools.Logging assembly Aspose.Email Footer...
Note VCardExplanatoryInfo.Note property Gets or sets a comments public string Note { get ; set ; } See Also class VCa......namespace Aspose.Email.PersonalInfo.VCard assembly Aspose.Email Categories...