EmailPositionType EmailPositionType enumeration public enum EmailPositionType Values Name Value Description LatestRep......Signature 3 See Also namespace Aspose.Email.Clients.Exchange.WebService...WebService.Schema_2016 assembly Aspose.Email EmailAddressType EmailReminderChangeT...
EntryId MessageInfo.EntryId property Gets the entry ID. public byte [] EntryId { get ; } Property Value The entry id.......namespace Aspose.Email.Storage.Pst assembly Aspose.Email DisplayTo...
EntryId FolderInfo.EntryId property Gets the entry ID. public byte [] EntryId { get ; } Property Value The entry id. ......namespace Aspose.Email.Storage.Pst assembly Aspose.Email DisplayName...
DisplayName VCardIdentificationInfo.DisplayName property Gets or sets a contact’s display(formatted) name public stri......namespace Aspose.Email.PersonalInfo.VCard assembly Aspose.Email Birthday...
IsReadOnly KnownPropertyList.IsReadOnly property true if the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection is read-only; oth......namespace Aspose.Email.Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Count Item...