MaxLength ComboBoxActiveXControl.MaxLength property Gets and sets the maximum number of characters public int MaxLeng......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram MatchEntry...
Type ImageActiveXControl.Type property Gets the type of the ActiveX control. public override ControlType Type { get ;......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram SpecialEffect...
ColumnWidths ComboBoxActiveXControl.ColumnWidths property Gets and sets the width of the column. public double Column......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram ColumnCount...
Type LabelActiveXControl.Type property Gets the type of the ActiveX control. public override ControlType Type { get ;......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram SpecialEffect...
Accelerator CommandButtonActiveXControl.Accelerator property Gets and sets the accelerator key for the control. publi......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram Caption...
Picture CheckBoxActiveXControl.Picture property Gets and sets the data of the picture. public byte [] Picture { get ;......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram IsWordWrapped...
Picture LabelActiveXControl.Picture property Gets and sets the data of the picture. public byte [] Picture { get ; se......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram IsWordWrapped...
Type ToggleButtonActiveXControl.Type property Gets the type of the ActiveX control. public override ControlType Type ......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram SpecialEffect...
Type ActiveXControlBase.Type property Gets the type of the ActiveX control. public abstract ControlType Type { get ; ......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram MousePointer...