SaveForegroundPagesOnly XAMLSaveOptions.SaveForegroundPagesOnly property Specifies whether all pages will be saved in......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram PageIndex...
PdfEncryptionDetails PdfEncryptionDetails class Contains details for a pdf encryption. public class PdfEncryptionDeta......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram PdfEncryptionAlgorit...
Area RenderingSaveOptions.Area property Gets or sets the area of the shapes will be saved . public RectangleF Area { ......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram EmfRenderSetting...
IMEMode ActiveXControl.IMEMode property Gets and sets the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor for the co......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram Data...
Item VbaProjectReferenceCollection indexer Get the reference in the list by the index. public VbaProjectReference thi......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Vba assembly Aspose.Diagram AddControlRefrernce...
HasMorePages PageEndSavingArgs.HasMorePages property Gets or sets a value indicating whether having more pages to be ......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram English...
IntegralHeight TextBoxActiveXControl.IntegralHeight property Indicates whether the control will only show complete li......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram HideSelection...