Comment Annotation.Comment property Contains the comment text in string format for a shape. public Str2Value Comment ......Annotation namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Date English...
ReviewerID Page.ReviewerID property The ID of the reviewer associated with the markup overlay. public int ReviewerID ......Page namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram PresetThemeVariant...
TimeRefreshed DataRecordSet.TimeRefreshed property The date and time the data recordset was last refreshed. public Da......DataRecordSet namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram RowOrder Refresh...
Strikethru Char.Strikethru property Specifies whether the text is formatted as strikethrough. public BoolValue Strike......Char namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Size Style...
true RelCubBezTo.Y property The y-coordinate of the endpoint in relative coordinates. public DoubleValue Y { get ; se......RelCubBezTo namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram X English Русский...
true Ellipse.Y property The y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. public DoubleValue Y { get ; set ; } See Also ......Ellipse namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram X English Русский...
ID Connection.ID property The unique ID of the element within its parent element. public int ID { get ; set ; } See A......Connection namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram DirY IX English...
ID Master.ID property The unique ID of the element within its parent element. public int ID { get ; set ; } See Also ......Master namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram IconUpdate...
ID Hyperlink.ID property The unique ID of the element within its parent element. public int ID { get ; set ; } See Al......Hyperlink namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Frame Invisible...
DataColumns DataRecordSet.DataColumns property Contains all the DataColumn elements in a data recordset. public DataC......DataRecordSet namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ConnectionID...