Subject DocumentProperties.Subject property Contains a user-defined text string that describes the contents of the do......DocumentProperties namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram PreviewPicture...
Title DocumentProperties.Title property Contains a user-defined text string that serves as a descriptive title for th......DocumentProperties namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram TimeSaved English...
ShapeShdwOffsetX Fill.ShapeShdwOffsetX property Determines the distance in page units that a shape’s shadow is offset......Fill namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ShapeShdwObliqueAngl...
ExtentX ForeignData.ExtentX property This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data is a metafile. The value i......ForeignData namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram CompressionType...
ExtentY ForeignData.ExtentY property This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data is a metafile. The value i......ForeignData namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ExtentX ForeignType...
LineAdjustTo PageLayout.LineAdjustTo property Specifies which dynamic connectors to line up on top of one another if ......PageLayout namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram LineAdjustFrom...