Item SplineStartCollection indexer Gets the element at the specified index. public SplineStart this [ int index ] { g...... namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram English Русский...
ShapeSplit Layout.ShapeSplit property Determines whether this shape can split shapes that are splittable. public Bool......Layout namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ShapeRouteStyle...
Type Field.Type property Type specifies a data type for the text field value. public TypeField Type { get ; } See Als......Field namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ObjectKind...
Item EllipticalArcToCollection indexer Gets the element at the specified index. public EllipticalArcTo this [ int ind...... namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram English Русский...
Name Font.Name property The name of the font as a UTF-16 Unicode string. public string Name { get ; set ; } See Also ......Font namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ID Panos English...
GradientFill Fill.GradientFill property Contains the current gradient fill formatting values for the shape public Gra......Fill namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram FillPattern...
true ArcTo.Y property The y-coordinate of the ending vertex of an arc. public DoubleValue Y { get ; set ; } See Also ......ArcTo namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram X English Русский...
Type Prop.Type property Type specifies a data type for the custom property value. public TypeProp Type { get ; } See ......Prop namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram SortKey Value...
ShowIgnored ValidationProperties.ShowIgnored property Whether to show ignored validation issues in the Issues window....... namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram LastValidated...