X ArcTo.X property The x-coordinate of the ending vertex of an arc. public DoubleValue X { get ; set ; } See Also cla......ArcTo namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram IX true English...
Remove SolutionXMLCollection.Remove method Remove the SolutionXML from the collection. public void Remove ( SolutionX...... namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Add English...
Value TypeField.Value property Type specifies a data type for the text field value. public TypeFieldValue Value { get......TypeField namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Ufe Clone English...
NoObjHandles Misc.NoObjHandles property Specifies whether selection handles are displayed when the shape is selected.......Misc namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram NonPrinting...
B NURBSTo.B property The last weight of the nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS). public DoubleValue B { get ; set ; ......NURBSTo namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram A C English...
LineCap Line.LineCap property Specifies whether a line has rounded or square line ends. public BoolValue LineCap { ge......Line namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram GradientLine...
IX RelQuadBezTo.IX property The zero-based index of the element within its parent element. public override int IX { g......RelQuadBezTo namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Del X English...
TextXForm Shape.TextXForm property Contains elements that specify positioning information about a shape’s text block.......Shape namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram TextStyle ThreeDFormat...