PivotTable property. Indicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for rows...namespace Aspose.Cells.Pivot assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
SparklineGroup property. Indicates whether to show data in hidden rows and columns...namespace Aspose.Cells.Charts assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
EquationNode method. Returns the node at the specified index among the children of the current node...namespace Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Equations assembly Aspose.Cells...
OleObject property. Specifies whether the host application for the embedded object shall be called to load the object data automatically when the parent workbook is opened...namespace Aspose.Cells.Drawing assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
WebQueryConnection property. Returns or sets the string used with the post method of inputting data into a web server to return data from a web query...namespace Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections assembly Aspose.Cells English...