BackgroundColor ImageRenderOptions.BackgroundColor property The background color of the render result. public Color B......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D AssetDirectories EnableShadows...
Translation Transform.Translation property Gets or sets the translation public Vector3 Translation { get ; set ; } Se......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D TransformMatrix SetEulerAngles...
Segments CompositeCurve.Segments property The segments of the curve. public List < Segment > Segments { get ; } See A......Entities assembly Aspose.3D CompositeCurve AddSegment...
BottomArea Pyramid.BottomArea property Area of the bottom cap public Vector2 BottomArea { get ; set ; } See Also stru......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Pyramid BottomOffset English...
GetEnumerator TriMesh.GetEnumerator method Get the enumerator to enumerate Vertex public IEnumerator < Vertex > GetEn......Entities assembly Aspose.3D EndVertex IndicesToArray English...
MatrixLightSpace RendererVariableManager.MatrixLightSpace property Matrix for light space transformation public FMatr......Render assembly Aspose.3D DepthBias MatrixProjection...
FlangeThickness ZShape.FlangeThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of flange. public double FlangeThickness {......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D FilletRadius FlangeWidth English...
Reset KeyframeSequence.Reset method Removes all key frames and reset the post/pre behaviors. public void Reset () See......Animation assembly Aspose.3D GetEnumerator English Русский...
Depth ZShape.Depth property Gets or sets the length of web. public double Depth { get ; set ; } See Also class ZShape......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D ZShape EdgeRadius English...
ASE FileFormatType.ASE field 3D Studio Max’s ASCII Scene Exporter format. public static readonly FileFormatType ASE ;......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D AMF Aspose3DWeb English Русский...