SPIRVSource Contents [ Hide ] SPIRVSource class The compiled shader in SPIR-V format. public sealed class SPIRVSource......Render assembly Aspose.3D RendererVariableMana ShaderException...
GLSLSource Contents [ Hide ] GLSLSource class The source code of shaders in GLSL public sealed class GLSLSource : Sha......Render assembly Aspose.3D FrontFace IBuffer English...
Item MorphTargetDeformer indexer public double this [ Shape target ] { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class Shape class MorphTar......Deformers 部件 Aspose.3D Channels 简体中文 English Русский...
ReferenceMode ReferenceMode enumeration ReferenceMode defines how mapping information is stored and referenced by. pu......Entities assembly Aspose.3D RectangularTorus RevolvedAreaSolid...
SuppressTrialException TrialException.SuppressTrialException property Sets this to true to suppress trial exception f......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D TrialException English Русский...
RotationMode Frustum.RotationMode property Gets or sets the frustum’s orientation mode This property only works when ......Entities assembly Aspose.3D OrthoHeight Target English...
EncodeWatermark Watermark.EncodeWatermark method Encode a text into mesh’ blind watermark. public static Mesh EncodeW......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D DecodeWatermark English Русский...