FBX7200Binary FileFormat.FBX7200Binary field Binary FBX file format, with 7.2.0 version public static readonly FileFo......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D FBX7200ASCII FBX7300ASCII...
Length Vector2.Length property Gets the length. public double Length { get ; } Property Value The length. See Also st......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Vector2 U English Русский...
WebThickness UShape.WebThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of web. public double WebThickness { get ; set ;......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D FlangeWidth GetExtent English...
Depth UShape.Depth property Gets or sets the length of web. public double Depth { get ; set ; } See Also class UShape......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D UShape EdgeRadius English...
WebThickness ZShape.WebThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of wall. public double WebThickness { get ; set ......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D FlangeWidth GetExtent English...
FlangeWidth ZShape.FlangeWidth property Gets or sets the length of flange. public double FlangeWidth { get ; set ; } ......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D FlangeThickness WebThickness...
Girth CShape.Girth property Gets or sets the length of girth. public double Girth { get ; set ; } See Also class CSha......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D Depth InternalFilletRadius...
RadialSegments RectangularTorus.RadialSegments property The radial segments, default value is 10 public int RadialSeg......Entities assembly Aspose.3D OuterRadius ToMesh English...