SiemensJT9 FileFormat.SiemensJT9 field Siemens JT File Version 9 public static readonly FileFormat SiemensJT9 ; See A......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D SiemensJT8 STLASCII English...
Draco FileFormat.Draco field Google Draco Mesh public static readonly DracoFormat Draco ; See Also class DracoFormat ......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D ToString PDF English Русский...
ShaderException ShaderException constructor Constructor of ShaderException public ShaderException ( string message ) ......Render assembly Aspose.3D English Русский 简体中文...
Name AnimationChannel.Name property Gets the name of the channel public string Name { get ; } See Also class Animatio......Animation assembly Aspose.3D KeyframeSequences AddKeyframeSequence...
ToString TriMesh.ToString method Gets the string representation of TriMesh public override string ToString () See Als......Entities assembly Aspose.3D ReadVector4 VerticesToArray...
FileFormatType FileFormat.FileFormatType property Gets file format type public FileFormatType FileFormatType { get ; ......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D Extensions Version English...
Stride TextureData.Stride property Number of bytes of a scanline. public int Stride { get ; } See Also class TextureD......Render assembly Aspose.3D PixelFormat Width English...
Dispose ShaderProgram.Dispose method Dispose the shader and release all internal resources. public virtual void Dispo......Render assembly Aspose.3D English Русский 简体中文...