DishLatitudeSegments RvmLoadOptions.DishLatitudeSegments property Gets or sets the number of dish’ latitude segments,......Formats assembly Aspose.3D CylinderRadialSegmen DishLongitudeSegment...
OutTangent KeyFrame.OutTangent property Gets or sets the out(right) tangent on this key frame. public Vector2 OutTang......Animation assembly Aspose.3D NextInWeight OutWeight English...
Deformers Geometry.Deformers property Gets all deformers associated with this geometry. public ICollection < Deformer......Entities assembly Aspose.3D ControlPoints ReceiveShadows...
GetHashCode Vector3.GetHashCode method Gets the hash code of Vector3 public override int GetHashCode () Return Value ......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Equals Normalize English Русский...
BottomFlangeFilletRadius HShape.BottomFlangeFilletRadius property Gets or sets the radius of fillet between the web a......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D BottomFlangeEdgeRadi BottomFlangeThicknes...
ReflectionFactor PhongMaterial.ReflectionFactor property Gets or sets the attenuation of the reflection color. public......Shading assembly Aspose.3D ReflectionColor Shininess...
BottomXDim TrapeziumShape.BottomXDim property Gets or sets the extent of the bottom line measured along the x-axis. p......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D TrapeziumShape TopXDim English...