CopyTo VertexElementIntsTemplate.CopyTo method Copies data to specified element public void CopyTo ( VertexElementInt......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Clear SetData English Русский...
HeightSegments Sphere.HeightSegments property Gets or sets the height segments. public int HeightSegments { get ; set......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Sphere PhiLength English Русский...
PhiStart Sphere.PhiStart property Gets or sets the phi start. public double PhiStart { get ; set ; } Property Value T......Entities assembly Aspose.3D PhiLength Radius English Русский...
WrapModeV TextureBase.WrapModeV property Gets or sets the texture wrap modes in V. public WrapMode WrapModeV { get ; ......Shading assembly Aspose.3D WrapModeU WrapModeW English...
WrapModeW TextureBase.WrapModeW property Gets or sets the texture wrap modes in W. public WrapMode WrapModeW { get ; ......Shading assembly Aspose.3D WrapModeV SetRotation English...
LightingScheme PdfSaveOptions.LightingScheme property LightingScheme specifies the lighting to apply to 3D artwork. p......Formats assembly Aspose.3D FlipCoordinateSystem RenderMode...
Geometry Geometry constructor Initializes a new instance of the Geometry class. public Geometry ( string name ) Param......Entities assembly Aspose.3D CastShadows English Русский...