ShadowCaster RendererVariableManager.ShadowCaster property Position of shadow caster in world coordinate system publi......Render assembly Aspose.3D MatrixWorldViewProje Shadowmap...
ComputeShader GLSLSource.ComputeShader property Gets or sets the source code of the compute shader. public string Com......Render assembly Aspose.3D GLSLSource FragmentShader...
FrontFace RenderState.FrontFace property Gets or sets which order is front face. public FrontFace FrontFace { get ; s......Render assembly Aspose.3D DestinationBlendFact PolygonMode...
Width Camera.Width property Gets or sets the view plane’s width measured in inches public double Width { get ; set ; ......Entities assembly Aspose.3D ProjectionType MoveForward...
Height LinearExtrusion.Height property The height of the extruded geometry, default value is 1.0 public double Height......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Direction Shape English Русский...
RvmText FileFormat.RvmText field AVEVA Plant Design Management System Model in text format public static readonly Rvm......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D RvmBinary English Русский...
UVRotation TextureBase.UVRotation property Gets or sets the rotation of the texture public Vector3 UVRotation { get ;......Shading assembly Aspose.3D MipFilter UVScale English...
WeightCount Bone.WeightCount property Gets the count of weight, this is automatically extended by SetWeight public in......Deformers assembly Aspose.3D Transform GetWeight English...
YAxis Vector3.YAxis field Gets the Y axis. public static readonly Vector3 YAxis ; Property Value The Y axis. See Also......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D XAxis ZAxis English Русский...
Height RectangularTorus.Height property The height of the rectangular torus. Default value is 20 public double Height......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Arc InnerRadius English Русский...