PatchDirection PatchDirection class Patch’s U and V direction. public class PatchDirection Constructors Name Descript......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Patch PatchDirectionType English...
VertexElementUserData VertexElementUserData constructor Initializes a new instance of the VertexElementUserData class......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Data English Русский 简体中文...
WavefrontOBJ FileFormatType.WavefrontOBJ field Wavefront OBJ format type public static readonly FileFormatType Wavefr......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D VRML X English Русский 简体中文...
Microsoft3MF FileFormat.Microsoft3MF field Microsoft 3D Manufacturing Format public static readonly FileFormat Micros......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D HTML5 Pcd English Русский...
Begin PolygonBuilder.Begin method Begins to add a new polygon public void Begin () See Also class PolygonBuilder name......Entities assembly Aspose.3D AddVertex End English Русский...
Name ShaderVariable.Name property Gets the name of this variable public string Name { get ; } See Also class ShaderVa......Render assembly Aspose.3D ShaderVariable English Русский...
ToString VertexField.ToString method Gets the string representation of VertexField public override string ToString ()......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D GetHashCode English Русский...