Represents frame related formatting for a paragraph....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::FrameFormat Class Reference...p->get_FrameFormat()->get_IsFrame(); }); ASPOSE_ASSERT_EQ(233.3, paragraph...
Can be used to specify additional options when generating thumbnail for a document....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::Rendering::ThumbnailGeneratingO...FirstImage.epub" ); #include < Aspose.Words.Cpp/Rendering/ThumbnailGeneratingO...
Aspose::Words::Layout::PageLayoutCallbackArgs Member List This is the complete list of members for Aspose::Words::Lay......Aspose::Words::Layout::PageLayoutCallbackAr Member List This...complete list of members for Aspose::Words::Layout::PageLayoutCallbackAr...
Specifies how list levels are indented when document is exporting to Text format....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::Saving::TxtListIndentation...3\r\n" , docText); #include < Aspose.Words.Cpp/Saving/TxtListIndentation...
Provides various options that control how a document is shown in Microsoft Word....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::Settings::ViewOptions Class...Microsoft Word. See also Aspose::Words::Document Aspose::Words::Do...
Contains information about a warning that Aspose.Words issued during document loading or saving....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::WarningInfo Class Reference...information about a warning that Aspose.Words issued during document loading...
Contains information about a warning that Aspose.Words issued during document loading or saving....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::WarningInfo Class Reference...information about a warning that Aspose.Words issued during document loading...
Represents a run of characters with the same font formatting....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::Run Class Reference Detailed..."Hello world!" ); SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Font> font = run->get_Font();...
Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontNameSubstitutionRule Member List This is the complete list of members for Aspose::Words::Fo......Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontNameSubstitution Member List This is...complete list of members for Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontNameSubstitution...
Represents information about a single record within an external data source that is to be excluded from the mail merge....Functions | List of all members Aspose::Words::Settings::OdsoRecipientData...this exclusion. #include < Aspose.Words.Cpp/Settings/OdsoRecipientData...