Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_KeepWithNext method. True if the paragraph is to remains on the same page as the paragraph that follows it in C++....Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_KeepWithNext method Contents...that follows it. bool Aspose :: Words :: ParagraphFormat :: get_KeepWithNext...
Aspose::Words::CompositeNode::get_HasChildNodes method. Returns true if this node has any child nodes in C++....Aspose::Words::CompositeNode::get_HasChildNodes method Contents...any child nodes. bool Aspose :: Words :: CompositeNode :: get_HasChildNodes...
Aspose::Words::Paragraph::get_IsEndOfDocument method. True if this paragraph is the last paragraph in the last section of the document in C++....Aspose::Words::Paragraph::get_IsEndOfDocument method Paragra...of the document. bool Aspose :: Words :: Paragraph :: get_IsEndOfDocument...
Aspose::Words::DocumentVisitor::VisitCommentRangeStart method. Called when the start of a commented range of text is encountered in C++....Aspose::Words::DocumentVisitor::VisitCommentRangeSta method Contents...virtual Aspose :: Words :: VisitorAction Aspose :: Words :: DocumentVisitor...
Aspose::Words::DocumentVisitor::VisitGroupShapeEnd method. Called when enumeration of a group shape has ended in C++....Aspose::Words::DocumentVisitor::VisitGroupShapeEnd method Contents...virtual Aspose :: Words :: VisitorAction Aspose :: Words :: DocumentVisitor...
Aspose::Words::IDocumentMergerPlugin::Merge method. Merges the given input PDF documents into a single output PDF document using specified input and output streams in C++....Aspose::Words::IDocumentMergerPlugi::Merge method IDocumentMergerPlugi::Merge...streams. virtual void Aspose :: Words :: IDocumentMergerPlugi...
Aspose::Words::DocumentBase::get_ResourceLoadingCallback method. Allows to control how external resources are loaded in C++....Aspose::Words::DocumentBase::get_ResourceLoadingCallb method...System :: SharedPtr < Aspose :: Words :: Loading :: IResourceLoadingCall...
Aspose::Words::FileFormatUtil::ImageTypeToExtension method. Converts an Aspose.Words image type enumerated value into a file extension. The returned extension is a lower-case string with a leading dot in C++....Aspose::Words::FileFormatUtil::ImageTypeToExtension method Contents...sion method Converts an Aspose.Words image type enumerated value...
Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder::InsertParagraph method. Inserts a paragraph break into the document in C++....Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder::InsertParagraph method Contents...SharedPtr < Aspose :: Words :: Paragraph > Aspose :: Words :: DocumentBuilder...