Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Read-only int32_t.... int32_t Aspose :: Slides :: MasterSlideCollectio...MasterSlideCollectio Namespace Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_IsSynchronized()...
Gets the number of fonts actually defined for range. Read-only int32_t.... int32_t Aspose :: Slides :: FontFallBackRule ::...FontFallBackRule Namespace Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_RangeEndIndex()...
Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Read-only int32_t.... int32_t Aspose :: Slides :: FontSubstRuleCollect...FontSubstRuleCollect Namespace Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_IsSynchronized()...