Returns the name of a shape. Must be not null. Use empty string value if needed. Read System::String.... System :: String Aspose :: Slides :: Shape :: get_Name ()...Shape Namespace Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_AlternativeTextTitle()...
Represents the CrossType on the specified axis where the other axis crosses. Write CrossesType.... void Aspose :: Slides :: Charts :: Axis :: set_CrossType...Namespace Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides get_CrossType()...
Determines if all characters of font should be embedded or only used subset. Read bool.... bool Aspose :: Slides :: Export :: PdfOptions...Namespace Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides set_AdditionalCommonFont()...
Specifies whether the generated SWF document should include the integrated document viewer or not. Default is true.... void Aspose :: Slides :: Export :: SwfOptions...Namespace Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides get_ViewerIncluded()...
Returns the distance, as a percentage of the marker width, between the data series in a 3D chart. Read uint16_t.... uint16_t Aspose :: Slides :: Charts :: ChartSeriesGroup...Namespace Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides set_GapWidth()...
Determines whether the East Asian line break is used in a paragraph. Write NullableBool.... virtual void Aspose :: Slides :: Charts :: IChartParagraphForma...Namespace Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides get_EastAsianLineBreak()...
Sets Asian font used in case source font is not found. Write System::String.... void Aspose :: Slides :: LoadOptions :: set_DefaultAsianFont...LoadOptions Namespace Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_DefaultAsianFont()...
Provides options that control how notes and comments is placed in exported document....INotesCommentsLayout > Aspose :: Slides :: Export :: IHtmlOptions...Namespace Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides set_SvgResponsiveLayout()...