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aspose drawing

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  1. Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeBase class | Aspos...

    Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeBase class. Base class for objects in the Drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeBase class Contents [ Hide ] ShapeBase...Base class for objects in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape...
  2. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::PlacementType enum | As...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::PlacementType enum. Represents the way the Drawing object is attached to the cells below it in C++....Aspose::Cells::Drawing::PlacementType enum PlacementType enum...enum Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells...
  3. Aspose::Words::Drawing::Stroke class | Aspose.W...

    Aspose::Words::Drawing::Stroke class. Defines a stroke for a shape. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....Aspose::Words::Drawing::Stroke class Contents [ Hide ] Stroke...class Stroke : public Aspose :: Words :: Drawing :: Core :: IFillable...
  4. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GradientFill class | As...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GradientFill class. Represents the gradient fill in C++....Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GradientFill class Contents [ Hide ]...GradientFill(const Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GradientFill& src)...
  5. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::FormatSetType enum | As...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::FormatSetType enum. Fill format set type in C++....Aspose::Cells::Drawing::FormatSetType enum FormatSetType enum...Also Namespace Aspose::Cells::Drawing Library Aspose.Cells for C++...
  6. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GradientDirectionType e...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GradientDirectionType enum. Represents all direction type of gradient in C++....Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GradientDirectionTyp enum GradientDirectionTyp...Also Namespace Aspose::Cells::Drawing Library Aspose.Cells for C++...
  7. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoDrawingType enum | A...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoDrawingType enum. Represents office Drawing objects type in C++....Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoDrawingType enum Contents [ Hide ]...MsoDrawingType enum Represents office drawing objects type. enum class MsoDrawingType...
  8. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoArrowheadWidth enum ...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoArrowheadWidth enum. Enumerates the line end width of the shape border line in C++....Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoArrowheadWidth enum MsoArrowheadWidth...Also Namespace Aspose::Cells::Drawing Library Aspose.Cells for C++...
  9. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoLineDashStyle enum |...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoLineDashStyle enum. Represents style of dash Drawing lines in C++....Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoLineDashStyle enum MsoLineDashStyle...enum Represents style of dash drawing lines. enum class MsoLineDashStyle...
  10. Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill class | Aspose.Wor...

    Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill class. Represents fill formatting for an object. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill class Contents [ Hide ] Fill class...OneColorGradient (Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientStyle, Aspose::Words:...