Aspose::Cells::VerticalPageBreakCollection::RemoveAt method. Removes the VPageBreak element at a specified name in C++....Aspose::Cells::VerticalPageBreakCol::RemoveAt method Vertica...a specified name. void Aspose :: Cells :: VerticalPageBreakCol...
Aspose::Cells::DataSorterKeyCollection::Get method. Gets and sets DataSorterKey by index in C++....Aspose::Cells::DataSorterKeyCollect::Get method index. DataSorterKey Aspose :: Cells :: DataSorterKeyCollect...
Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::MoveTo method. Moves the sheet to another location in the spreadsheet in C++....Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::MoveTo method Worksheet::MoveTo method...the spreadsheet. void Aspose :: Cells :: Worksheet :: MoveTo...
Aspose::Cells::Comment::GetWidth method. Represents the width of the comment, in unit of pixels in C++....Aspose::Cells::Comment::GetWidth method Comment::GetWidth method...unit of pixels. int32_t Aspose :: Cells :: Comment :: GetWidth...
Aspose::Cells::Comment::GetWidthInch method. Represents the width of the comment, in unit of inches in C++....Aspose::Cells::Comment::GetWidthInch method Comment::GetWidthInch...unit of inches. double Aspose :: Cells :: Comment :: GetWidthInch...
Aspose::Cells::TxtLoadOptions::GetTextQualifier method. Specifies the text qualifier for cell values. Default qualifier is '"' in C++....Aspose::Cells::TxtLoadOptions::GetTextQualifier method TxtLo...for cell values. Default qualifier is ‘"’. char16_t Aspose ::...
Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::SetQuotePrefixToStyle method. Indicates whether setting Style.QuotePrefix property when entering the string value(which starts with single quote mark ) to the cell in C++....Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::SetQuotePrefixToStyl method...quote mark ) to the cell. void Aspose :: Cells :: WorkbookSettings...
Aspose::Cells::HtmlSaveOptions::GetAttachedFilesUrlPrefix method. Specify the Url prefix of attached files such as image in the html file. Only for saving to html stream in C++....Aspose::Cells::HtmlSaveOptions::GetAttachedFilesUrlP method ...html stream. U16String Aspose :: Cells :: HtmlSaveOptions :: ...
Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::GetWindowLeftInch method. The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window. In unit of inch in C++....Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::GetWindowLeftInch method Wo...In unit of inch. double Aspose :: Cells :: WorkbookSettings ::...