AddField VertexDeclaration.AddField method Add a new vertex field public VertexField AddField ( VertexFieldDataType d......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Size Clear...
GetBindPoint Property.GetBindPoint method Gets the property bind point on specified animation instance. public BindPo......Property namespace Aspose.ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D ValueType GetKeyframeSequence...
IVertexBuffer IVertexBuffer interface The vertex buffer holds the polygon vertex data that will be sent to rendering ......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D ITextureUnit...
WindowHandle WindowHandle class Encapsulated window handle for different platforms. public class WindowHandle Methods......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D Viewport English...
ToString Vector4.ToString method Returns a String that represents the current Vector4 . public override string ToStri......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Set op_Addition...