VertexElementMaterial Contents [ Hide ] VertexElementMaterial class Defines material index for specified components. ......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Entities assembly Aspose.3D VertexElementIntsTem...
EntityRenderer Contents [ Hide ] EntityRenderer class Subclass this to implement rendering for different kind of enti......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D DriverException...
RenderStage RenderStage enumeration The render stage public enum RenderStage Values Name Value Description Idle 0 Ren......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D RenderResource...
GetWeight Bone.GetWeight method Gets the weight for control point specified by index public double GetWeight ( int in......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Deformers assembly Aspose.3D WeightCount...