CameraPosition RendererVariableManager.CameraPosition property Camera’s position in world coordinate system public FV......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D DepthBias English...
CreateLoadOptions FileFormat.CreateLoadOptions method Create a default load options for this file format public LoadO......FileFormat namespace Aspose.ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D Version CreateSaveOptions...
ModificationTime AssetInfo.ModificationTime property Gets or Sets the modification time of this asset public DateTime......AssetInfo namespace Aspose.ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D Keywords Revision...
TransformStyle ColladaSaveOptions.TransformStyle property Gets or sets the style of node transformation public Collad......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D Indented English...
Thickness LShape.Thickness property Gets or sets the thickness of the constant wall. public double Thickness { get ; ......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D FilletRadius...
TopFlangeThickness HShape.TopFlangeThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of the top flange. public double Top......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D TopFlangeFilletRadiu...
TopFlangeWidth HShape.TopFlangeWidth property Gets or sets the width of the top flange. public double TopFlangeWidth ......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D TopFlangeThickness...
ToMesh Primitive.ToMesh method Convert current object to mesh public abstract Mesh ToMesh () Return Value The mesh. S......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Entities assembly Aspose.3D ReceiveShadows...
Clear VertexElementIntsTemplate.Clear method Removes all elements from the direct and the index arrays. public overri......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Entities assembly Aspose.3D Data CopyTo...