The access permissions granted for this document.
Valid values are:
1 - No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature.
2 - Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature.
3 - Permitted changes are the same As for 2, As well As annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature....The access permissions granted for this document.<br/> Valid values are:<br/> 1 - No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature.<br/> 2 - Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature.<br/> 3 - Permitted changes are the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature.