Hello, I installed the Aspose.Diagram nuget package for VB.NET but I am having some issues. I bAsically converted the code from the C# page on yall’s website since there were no VB examples. I modified this one to be c…...Hello, I installed the Aspose.Diagram nuget package for VB.NET but I am having some issues. I basically converted the code from the C# page on yall’s website since there were no VB examples. I modified this one to be c…
Aspose.words.Font clAss. Contains font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object...aspose.words.Font class. Contains font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object
I’ve made a Library in vb.net. This library include Aspose Words.
the 1st time just include “Aspose.Words.dll” As reference.
Imports Aspose.words in my file, example my module
Make some function and use normaly docume…...I’ve made a Library in vb.net. This library include Aspose Words.
the 1st time just include “Aspose.Words.dll” as reference.
Imports Aspose.words in my file, example my module
Make some function and use normaly docume…
ClAsses System::Net::NetworkInformation Namespace Reference ClAsses clAss HostInformation Represents information abou......Classes System::Net::NetworkInformation Namespace Reference Classes class HostInformation Represents information abou...
I am writing to you about the problem we encountered in working with MSO PowerPoint document using the Aspose Slides for Java library (v21.10). We are using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and OpenJDK 11.0.13.
There is a diffe…...Hello,
I am writing to you about the problem we encountered in working with MSO PowerPoint document using the Aspose Slides for Java library (v21.10). We are using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and OpenJDK 11.0.13.
There is a diffe…
I want to read an MSG file from a Windows folder and place the email in a named sub-folder of the user’s Inbox.
Getting the message into an Aspose MailMessage is eAsy…
Here’s where I get the message:
Dim importMSG A…...I want to read an MSG file from a Windows folder and place the email in a named sub-folder of the user’s Inbox.
Getting the message into an Aspose MailMessage is easy…
Here’s where I get the message:
Dim importMSG A…
Note An item of explanatory text such As a footnote or an endnote that is referred to from within the body of the document. It may have a label structure type Lbl As a child. The note may be included As a child of the structure element in the body text that refers to it or it may be included elsewhere such As in an endnotes section and accessed by means of a reference structure type Reference....Note An item of explanatory text such as a footnote or an endnote that is referred to from within the body of the document. It may have a label structure type Lbl as a child. The note may be included as a child of the structure element in the body text that refers to it or it may be included elsewhere such as in an endnotes section and accessed by means of a reference structure type Reference.
Aspose.Cells.CalculationPrecisionStrategy enum. Enumerates strategies for handling calculation precision. Because of the precision issue of IEEE 754 FloatingPoint Arithmetic some seemingly simple formulAs may not be calculated As the expected result. Such As formula 0.450.430.02 when calculating operands by operator directly the result is not zero. For such kind of precision issue some special strategies may give the expected result...Aspose.Cells.CalculationPrecisionStrategy enum. Enumerates strategies for handling calculation precision. Because of the precision issue of IEEE 754 FloatingPoint Arithmetic some seemingly simple formulas may not be calculated as the expected result. Such as formula 0.450.430.02 when calculating operands by operator directly the result is not zero. For such kind of precision issue some special strategies may give the expected result
System::Net::NetworkInformation ClAsses ClAss Description HostInformation Represents information about a host. Object......System::Net::NetworkInformation Classes Class Description HostInformation Represents information about a host. Object...