SharingRemoteMessageCount KnownPropertyList.SharingRemoteMessageCount field Contains a value that is ignored by the s...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteM...
XSharingExendedCaps KnownPropertyList.XSharingExendedCaps field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no mat...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingExend...
ChangeNumber KnownPropertyList.ChangeNumber field Contains a structure that identifies the last change to the message...... Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagChangeNumber...
AutoStartCheck KnownPropertyList.AutoStartCheck field Specifies whether to automatically start the conferencing appli...... Area: Conferencing Canonical name:...
DistributionListStream KnownPropertyList.DistributionListStream field Specifies the list of EntryIDs and one-off Entr...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
AddressBookProviderArrayType KnownPropertyList.AddressBookProviderArrayType field Specifies the state of the electron...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
ContactUserField1 KnownPropertyList.ContactUserField1 field Contains text used to add custom text to a business card ...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
FileUnder KnownPropertyList.FileUnder field Specifies the name under which to file a contact when displaying a list o...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
ContactUserField2 KnownPropertyList.ContactUserField2 field Contains text used to add custom text to a business card ...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...