Sets the width of the comment output Area in pixels (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right)....width of the comment output area in pixels (Applies only if comments...
Locality KnownPropertyList.Locality field Contains the name of the mail user’s locality, such as the town or city. Ar...... Area: Address Properties Canonical...
data_field_header_name property data_field_header_name property Gets and sets the name of the value Area field header......and sets the name of the value area field header in the PivotTable...
arc_start_point_y_px property arc_start_point_y_px property Gets the y coordinate of starting point for the pie secti......arc_start_point_x_px property area property English Русский 简体中文...
AllowExternalCheck KnownPropertyList.AllowExternalCheck field This property is set to TRUE. Area: Conferencing Canoni...... Area: Conferencing Canonical name:...
ProtectedRange property. Gets the CellArea object represents the cell Area to be protected...CellArea object represents the cell area to be protected. public CellArea...
AppointmentStartTime KnownPropertyList.AppointmentStartTime field Identifies the time that the appointment starts. Ar...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSta...