NoQuickDrag Geom.NoQuickDrag property Determines whether a shape can be selected or dragged when the user clicks the ......when the user clicks the filled area defined by the Geometry section...
InstanceNum KnownPropertyList.InstanceNum field Contains an identifier for a single instance of a row in the table. A...... Area: ProviderDefinedNonTr Canonical...
ReminderTime KnownPropertyList.ReminderTime field Specifies the initial signal time for objects that are not Calendar...... Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderTime...
TaskOwnership KnownPropertyList.TaskOwnership field Indicates the role of the current user relative to the Task objec...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskOwnership...
SentMailSvrEID KnownPropertyList.SentMailSvrEID field Contains an EntryID that represents the Sent Items folder for t...... Area: ProviderDefinedNonTr Canonical...
PostalAddressId KnownPropertyList.PostalAddressId field Specifies which physical address is the mailing address for t...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
WorkAddressCountryCode KnownPropertyList.WorkAddressCountryCode field Specifies the country code portion of the work ...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
HomeAddressCountryCode KnownPropertyList.HomeAddressCountryCode field Specifies the country code portion of the home ...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
AddressCountryCode KnownPropertyList.AddressCountryCode field Specifies the country code portion of the mailing addre...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...