CalendarProductId KnownPropertyList.CalendarProductId field Identifies the product that created the iCalendar-formatt...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarProdu...
XSharingLocalType KnownPropertyList.XSharingLocalType field Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingLocalType pro...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingLocal...
StartRecurrenceTime KnownPropertyList.StartRecurrenceTime field Identifies the start time of the recurrence pattern. ...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidStartRecurrenc...
StartRecurrenceDate KnownPropertyList.StartRecurrenceDate field Identifies the start date of the recurrence pattern. ...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidStartRecurrenc...
RemindersOnlineEntryId KnownPropertyList.RemindersOnlineEntryId field Contains an EntryID for the Reminders folder. A...... Area: MapiContainer Canonical name:...
SearchFolderId KnownPropertyList.SearchFolderId field Contains a GUID that identifies the search folder. Area: Search...... Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderId...
XSharingRemoteType KnownPropertyList.XSharingRemoteType field Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteType ...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemot...
DelegateMail KnownPropertyList.DelegateMail field Indicates whether a delegate responded to the meeting request. Area...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidDelegateMail...
FollowupIcon KnownPropertyList.FollowupIcon field Specifies the flag color of the Message object. Area: RenMessageFol...... Area: RenMessageFolder Canonical...
CdoRecurrenceid KnownPropertyList.CdoRecurrenceid field Identifies a specific instance of a recurring appointment. Ar...... Area: Exchange Canonical name: PidTagCdoRecurrencei...