XSharingRemoteType KnownPropertyList.XSharingRemoteType field Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteType ...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemot...
DelegateMail KnownPropertyList.DelegateMail field Indicates whether a delegate responded to the meeting request. Area...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidDelegateMail...
FollowupIcon KnownPropertyList.FollowupIcon field Specifies the flag color of the Message object. Area: RenMessageFol...... Area: RenMessageFolder Canonical...
Fax3EmailAddress KnownPropertyList.Fax3EmailAddress field Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the “@” ...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
MessageSize KnownPropertyList.MessageSize field Contains the size, in bytes, consumed by the Message object on the se...... Area: General Message Properties...
RuleCondition KnownPropertyList.RuleCondition field Defines the conditions under which a rule action is to be execute...... Area: Server-Side Rules Properties...
AudioNotes KnownPropertyList.AudioNotes field Contains textual annotations to a voice message after it has been deliv...... Area: Unified Messaging Canonical...
CdoRecurrenceid KnownPropertyList.CdoRecurrenceid field Identifies a specific instance of a recurring appointment. Ar...... Area: Exchange Canonical name: PidTagCdoRecurrencei...
AddressBookManagerDistinguishedName KnownPropertyList.AddressBookManagerDistinguishedName field Contains the DN of th...... Area: Address Book Canonical name:...
LayoutRect EmfPlusDrawString.LayoutRect property Gets or sets the layout rect An EmfPlusRectF object (section that defines the bounding area of the destination that will...