BusyStatus KnownPropertyList.BusyStatus field Specifies the availability of a user for the event described by the obj...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidBusyStatus...
TaskAssigners KnownPropertyList.TaskAssigners field Contains a stack of entries, each of which represents a task assi...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAssigners...
CurrentVersionName KnownPropertyList.CurrentVersionName field Specifies the name of the client application that sent ...... Area: General Message Properties...
SingleBodyICal KnownPropertyList.SingleBodyICal field Indicates that the original MIME message contained a single MIM...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidSingleBodyICal...
EntryId KnownPropertyList.EntryId field Contains the information to identify many different types of messaging object...... Area: ID Properties Canonical name:...
Scale KnownPropertyList.Scale field Indicates whether the image is to be scaled or cropped. Area: Common Canonical na...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameScale...
ICalendarEndTime KnownPropertyList.ICalendarEndTime field Contains the date and time, in UTC, when an appointment or ...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidTagICalendarEndTi...
ExchangeModifyExceptionStructure KnownPropertyList.ExchangeModifyExceptionStructure field Specifies a structure that ...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeModif...
JunkPhishingEnableLinks KnownPropertyList.JunkPhishingEnableLinks field Indicated whether the phishing stamp on a mes...... Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkPhishingEn...
AddressBookModerationEnabled KnownPropertyList.AddressBookModerationEnabled field Indicates whether moderation is ena...... Area: Address Book Canonical name:...