Aspose.Imaging for .NET 20.6 - Release notes – the latest updates and fixes....IMAGINGNET-3618 Implement support of APNG (animated PNG) file format Feature...FileFormats.Apng.ApngFrame Class Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Apng.ApngImage...
Using Aspose.Imaging for .NET you can easily convert from WMZ(Compressed Windows Media Player Skin) to other JPEG2000 WMZ to PNG WMZ to APNG WMZ to PSD WMZ to DXF WMZ to...
Aspose.Imaging API can easily convert from WMZ(Compressed Windows Media Player Skin) to other formats using Java JPEG2000 WMZ to PNG WMZ to APNG WMZ to PSD WMZ to DXF WMZ to...
You can quickly transform from EMZ(Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile) into various formats using Aspose.Imaging for Python via JPEG2000 EMZ to PNG EMZ to APNG EMZ to PSD EMZ to DXF EMZ to...
FileFormat FileFormat enumeration One of supported imaging file formats. [Flags] public enum FileFormat : ulong Value......Encapsulated PostScript format Apng 800000 The animated Png file...