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  1. TextContrast | Aspose.Drawing for .NET API Refe...

    TextContrast Graphics.TextContrast property Gets or sets the gamma correction value for rendering text. public int Te......value used for rendering antialiased and ClearType text. See Also...
  2. smoothing_mode proprietà | Aspose.Cells for Pyt...

    smoothing_mode proprietà smoothing_mode proprietà Specifica se l’attenuazione (Antialiasing) viene applicata a linee ......Specifica se l’attenuazione (antialiasing) viene applicata a linee...
  3. EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode | Aspose.Imaging for .N...

    初始化EmfPlusSetAntiAliasModeaspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.records/emfplussetantialiasmode类的新实例...Imaging AntiAliasing 简体中文 English Русский Español...
  4. WmfFontQuality | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Re...

    WmfFontQuality WmfFontQuality enumeration The FontQuality Enumeration specifies how closely the attributes of the log......used when rendering text Antialiased 4 Specifies that anti-aliasing...
  5. smoothing_mode propiedad | Aspose.Cells for Pyt...

    smoothing_mode propiedad smoothing_mode propiedad Especifica si se aplica suavizado (Antialiasing) a las líneas y se aplica suavizado (antialiasing) a las líneas y curvas y...
  6. While we capturing the image from excel we are ...

    HI @alexey.noskov Hope you are doing well!!. We are struggling with ASPOSE plugin. We need your help to fix an issue. While we capturing the image from excel and simply paste in word file, we are not getting perfectly …...KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);...setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, // RenderingHints.VALU...
  7. Aspose.Cells for Java - Generate Screenshot wit...

    Hi Aspose Team, We recently (summer 2023) purchased a license for Aspose.Cells for Java, and currently using Aspose.Cells for Java version 23.10, and running into an issue with generating screenshot from Excel where spa…...KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);...
  8. EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode | Справочник по Aspose....

    Запись EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode указывает режим сглаживания для вывода текста....Характеристики Имя Описание AntiAliasing { get; set; } Получает или...
  9. wmffontquality - Aspose.Imaging for Java - API ...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....Description static byte Antialiased Specifies that anti-aliasing...Values Antialiased public static final byte Antialiased Specifies...
  10. GraphicsQualityOptions | Aspose.Words for Java

    Allows to specify additional in Java....KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);...put(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);...