Инициализирует новый экземпляр классаSevenZipAESEncryptionSettingsaspose.zip.saving/sevenzipaesencryptionsettings....Zip.Saving сборка Aspose.Zip Русский English...
Open Bzip2Archive.Open method Opens the archive for extraction and provides a stream with archive content. public Str......Zip.Bzip2 assembly Aspose.Zip Extract Save English...
Open XarFileEntry.Open method Opens the entry for extraction and provides a stream with entry content. public abstrac......Zip.Xar assembly Aspose.Zip Extract English Русский...
WimArchive Contents [ Hide ] WimArchive class This class represents wim archive file. public class WimArchive : IDisp......Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip WimDirectoryEntry...