IsDirectory TarEntry.IsDirectory property Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents directory. public bool......Zip.Tar assembly Aspose.Zip Length English Русский...
DictionarySize LzipArchiveSettings.DictionarySize property Gets the size of dictionary which used by LZMA compression......Zip.Lzip assembly Aspose.Zip Normal MaxMemberSize...
ChangeTime WimEntry.ChangeTime property Gets the last time the file or directory was changed. public DateTime ChangeT......Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip Archive CreationTime...
Manifest WimArchive.Manifest property Gets the embedded manifest describing the file and the contained images. public......Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip Images Dispose English...
IsDirectory XarEntry.IsDirectory property Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents directory. public bool......Zip.Xar assembly Aspose.Zip FullPath LastAccessTime...
Password EncryptionSettings.Password property Gets or sets password for encryption or decryption. public string Passw......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip Method English...
需要通过解密解压缩的 Zip 条目...RarArchiveEntryEncry class 需要通过解密解压缩的 Zip 条目。 public sealed class RarArchiveEntryEncry...RarArchiveEntry 命名空间 Aspose.Zip.Rar 部件 Aspose.Zip RarArchiveEntry RarArchiveEntryPlain...