Method SevenZipCompressionSettings.Method property Gets compression or decompression method. public abstract SevenZip......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip English Русский...
Password SevenZipEncryptionSettings.Password property Gets or sets password for encryption or decryption. public stri......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip English Русский...
LastWriteTime XarEntry.LastWriteTime property Gets the modification time of the file or directory. public DateTime La......Zip.Xar assembly Aspose.Zip LastAccessTime Name...
HardLink WimEntry.HardLink property Gets the hardlink id of the file or directory. public long HardLink { get ; } See......Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip FullPath HasHardLinks...
IsDirectory SevenZipArchiveEntry.IsDirectory property Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents directory.......Zip.SevenZip assembly Aspose.Zip CompressionSettings...
ShortName WimEntry.ShortName property Gets short name of the entry within image. public string ShortName { get ; } Se......Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip Parent ToString English...
Lzma CompressionSettings.Lzma property An instance of LzmaCompressionSettings with default parameters. public static ......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip Deflate PPMd English...
Bzip2 CompressionSettings.Bzip2 property An instance of Bzip2CompressionSettings with default parameters. public stat......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip Deflate English...