Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....xmp com.aspose.imaging.xmp.schemas.dicom com...imaging.xmp.schemas.dublincore com.aspose.imaging.xmp.schemas...
This page contains new Aspose.PDF for .NET features, enhancement, and bug fixes in 2021, version 21.6....pages Bug PDFNET-49798 A part of XMP-metadata elements is missing...
SvgRasterizationOptions Contents [ Hide ] SvgRasterizationOptions class The SVG rasterization options. public class S......get; set; } Gets or sets the XMP metadata container. Methods Name...
Html5CanvasOptions Contents [ Hide ] Html5CanvasOptions class The Html5 Canvas file format creation options. public c......get; set; } Gets or sets the XMP metadata container. Methods Name...
Dear Support,
I’m trying to find out if Aspose.Imaging (or maybe Aspose.Pdf) can export TIFF annotations, specifically those in the WANG format. I need to get their metadata (color, position, text value etc.)
Can you l…...API for processing EXIF and XMP metadata. As concerns WANG format...
To convert an image of one of the most popular formats, such as PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, EMF and BMP, to EPS use this API for C++. See code examples here....article: BMP to EPS Working with XMP Metadata in EPS files Convert...
Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....Class for manipulation with XMP metadata. class SaveableFacade...