Specifies an N-ary mathematical object such as Summation and Integral....MathematicalText("x").nary(MathNaryOperatorType.Summation, "x=1", "100");...MathematicalText("x").nary(MathNaryOperatorType.Summation, "x=1", "100");...
Scales back X1 and y1 and returns X and y before the matriX transformation using the following formula X D X1 - C y1 / A D - C B y A y1 - B X1 / A D - C B...Scales back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the matrix transformation...using the following formula: x = (D * x1 - C * y1) / (A * D -...
ShapeCollection ShapeCollection class Represents a collection of a shapes. addAudioFrameCD Name Description addAudioF......Parameters: Name Type Description x float X coordinate of a new audio...ShapeCollection link to self x float X coordinate of a new audio...
ShapeCollection ShapeCollection class Represents a collection of a shapes. addAudioFrameCD Name Description addAudioF......Parameters: Name Type Description x float X coordinate of a new audio...Parameters: Name Type Description x float X coordinate of a new audio...
Class representing operators.m move to and begin new subpath....ICommand command) MoveTo(double x, double y) Inintalizes new Operator...Description getX() X coordinate setX(double value) X coordinate getY()...
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Friends | List of all members S......Represents a pair of integer X and Y coordinates of a point on...Point object and initializes its X and Y coordinates values with...
Developer's manual to the Java HTML class library to create, edit, eXtract data & convert HTML pages to PDF, XPS, Images and other formats.... An SVGPoint is an (x, y) coordinate pair. When used...treated as a vector of the form: [x] [y] [1] If an SVGRect object...
addVideoFrame Contents [ Hide ] addVideoFrame(float X, float y, float width, float height, String fname) function Add......[ Hide ] addVideoFrame(float x, float y, float width, float height...Parameters Name Type Description x float X coordinate of a new video...
This section shows how you can use LaTeX Tags in PDF document with Aspose.PDF for Java...."\\begin{align}" + "(x+y)^3&=(x+y)(x+y)^2" + "(x+y)(x^2+2xy+y^2)\\\\"...\" + "&=x^3+3x^2y+3xy^3+x^3.\\qedhere" + "\\end{align}" + "\\end{proof}"...