getBinaryData getBinaryData() method Returns the copy of an audio’s data. In case of large amount of data consider us......prevent unnecessary loading of video’s data into memory or even ...
Returns the name of an Video file which is linked to a VideoFrame. Read System::String....method Returns the name of an video file which is linked to a VideoFrame...
Represents an opaque object describing a pattern based on an image a canvas or a Video....on an image, a canvas or a video. public interface ICanvasPattern...
CalendarResources KnownPropertyList.CalendarResources field Identifies a list of resources, such as rooms and Video e......resources, such as rooms and video equipment, that are available...
Returns or sets the name of an Video file which is linked to a VideoFrame. Read/write String....Returns or sets the name of an video file which is linked to a VideoFrame...
Determines whether a Video is automatically rewinded to start as soon as the movie has finished playing. Write bool....method Determines whether a video is automatically rewinded to...
Sets the name of an Video file which is linked to a VideoFrame. Write System::String....method Sets the name of an video file which is linked to a VideoFrame...