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track changes

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  1. Aspose::Words::Layout::IPageLayoutCallback Inte...

    Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom method called during build and rendering of page layout model....Examples Shows how to track layout changes with a layout callback...Examples Shows how to track layout changes with a layout callback...
  2. Inline.is_move_from_revision property | Aspose....

    Inline.is_move_from_revision property. Returns ``True`` if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change Tracking was Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. Examples Shows...the "Track Changes" option, found in via Review -> Tracking, #...
  3. Inline.is_delete_revision property | Aspose.Wor...

    Inline.is_delete_revision property. Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change Tracking was Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. Examples Shows...the "Track Changes" option, found in via Review -> Tracking, #...
  4. Compare Documents in C++|Aspose.Words for C++

    Compare two documents in any supported formats and shows content Changes using C++. You can apply advanced options when comparing....identifies changes between two documents and contains the changes as...specific document, then the changes between both documents will...
  5. RunCollection indexer | Aspose.Words for Python

    RunCollection indexer. Retrieves a [Run](../../run/) at the given index....the "Track Changes" option, found in via Review -> Tracking, #...on in Microsoft Word, the changes we apply count as revisions...
  6. RunCollection class | Aspose.Words for Python

    aspose.words.RunCollection class. Provides typed access to a collection of [Run](../run/) nodes...the "Track Changes" option, found in via Review -> Tracking, #...on in Microsoft Word, the changes we apply count as revisions...
  7. FolderHierarchy | Aspose.Email for .NET API Ref...

    FolderHierarchy FolderHierarchy enumeration FolderHierarchy namespace of the ActiveSync protocol public enum FolderHi...... Changes 14 Contains changes to the folder hierarchy...It is used by the server to track the current state of the client...
  8. Aspose::Words::Layout::PageLayoutCallbackArgs::...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::PageLayoutCallbackArgs::get_Document method. Gets document in C++....Examples Shows how to track layout changes with a layout callback...
  9. Aspose::Words::RunCollection Class Reference - ...

    Provides typed access to a collection of Run nodes....the "Track Changes" option, found in via Review -> Tracking, //...on in Microsoft Word, the changes we apply count as revisions...
  10. AudioFrame | Aspose.Sildes for Python via .NET ...

    AudioFrame Contents [ Hide ] AudioFrame class Represents an audio clip on a slide. The AudioFrame type exposes the fo...... Note: on value changing all adjustment values will...audio_cd_start_track Returns or sets a start track index. Read/write...