FilterType GaussianBlurSmartFilter.FilterType field The identifier of current SmartFilter. public const int FilterTy......The identifier of current smartfilter. public const int FilterType...
UpdateResourceValues SmartFilters.UpdateResourceValues method Updates the SmartFilter data into the SmartObjectResou......UpdateResourceValues method Updates the smartfilter data into the SmartObjectResource...
Name AddNoiseSmartFilter.Name property Gets the SmartFilter name. public override string Name { get ; } See Also cla......Name property Gets the smartfilter name. public override string...
FilterId UnknownSmartFilter.FilterId property Gets the SmartFilter type identifier. public override int FilterId { g......FilterId property Gets the smartfilter type identifier. public...
FilterId AddNoiseSmartFilter.FilterId property Gets the SmartFilter type identifier. public override int FilterId { ......FilterId property Gets the smartfilter type identifier. public...
FilterType AddNoiseSmartFilter.FilterType field The identifier of current SmartFilter. public const int FilterType ;......The identifier of current smartfilter. public const int FilterType...
Name GaussianBlurSmartFilter.Name property Gets the SmartFilter name. public override string Name { get ; } See Also......Name property Gets the smartfilter name. public override string...
IsMaskEnabled SmartFilters.IsMaskEnabled property Gets the is mask enabled status of the SmartFilter. public bool Is......mask enabled status of the smartfilter. public bool IsMaskEnabled...
Opacity SmartFilter.Opacity property Gets or sets the opacity value of SmartFilter. public double Opacity { get ; se......sets the opacity value of smartfilter. public double Opacity {...
FilterId GaussianBlurSmartFilter.FilterId property Gets the SmartFilter type identifier. public override int FilterI......FilterId property Gets the smartfilter type identifier. public...