Android API to Convert XSLFO to PPS without using Microsoft Word...Slides for Android via Java , you...Android via Java and Aspose.Slides for Android via Java in your...
IGroupShape Contents [ Hide ] IGroupShape class Represents a group of shapes on a Slide. The IGroupShape type exposes......Represents a group of shapes on a slide. The IGroupShape type exposes...unique shape identifier in slide scope. office_interop_shape_id...
Convert XSLFO to SWF via C++ without using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader...Slides for C++ , you can convert PPTX...u "output.swf" , Aspose :: Slides :: Export :: SaveFormat ::...
Provide hyperlinks management adding removing....slides.IHyperlinkManager , com.aspose.slides.IDOMObject...Gets the first slide in the presentation ISlide slide = pres.getSlides()...
Android API to Convert XML to PPSM without using Microsoft Word...Slides for Android via Java , you...Android via Java and Aspose.Slides for Android via Java in your...
IDataTable Contents [ Hide ] IDataTable class Represents data table properties. The IDataTable type exposes the follo...... as_i_slide_component Allows to get base...ISlideComponent . slide Returns the base slide. Read-only IBaseSlide...
XpsOptions XpsOptions class Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format. XpsOptions Name ......draw black frame around each slide. Read/write boolean. Default...document should include hidden slides or not. Default is false. Returns:...