Digital Signature in Signed file....interface Digital signature in signed file. public interface IDigitalSignature...object that was used to sign the document. Read-only X509Certificate2...
Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::SignOptions::get_Comments method. Specifies comments on the digital Signature. Default value is empty string in C++....Shows how to digitally signdocuments. // Create an X.509 certificate...get_Now ()); // Take an unsigned document from the local file system...
Signature in file....object that was used to sign the document. getClass() getComments()...signature line stored in the document content. getImage() Specifies...
OdtSaveOptions DigitalSignatureDetails property. Gets or sets DigitalSignatureDetails object used to Sign a Document in C#....DigitalSignatureDeta object used to sign a document. public DigitalSignatureDeta...
DigitalSignatureDetails constructor. Initializes a new instance of DigitalSignatureDetails class in C#....use for signing a document. Examples Shows how to sign OOXML document...document. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Document.docx"...
DigitalSignature.Sign_time property. Gets the time the Document was Signed....sign_time property DigitalSignature.sign_time property Gets the...the time the document was signed. @property def sign_time ( self...
PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.certificate_holder property. Returns the certificate holder object that contains the certificate was used to Sign the Document....certificate was used to sign the document. @property def certificate_holder...
This page contains new Aspose.PDF for .NET features, enhancement, and bug fixes in 2019, version 19.2....Feature PDFNET-42668 How to sign a PDF using local certificate...Feature PDFNET-38062 Signing a PDF document from a smart card New...
SignOptions SignTime property. The date of Signing. Default value is current time Now in C#....SignTime property The date of signing. Default value is current time...Shows how to digitally signdocuments. // Create an X.509 certificate...
File Format Apps for PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Project, OneNote, OpenOffice, CAD, 3D formats....Convert PDF, Excel, Word documents, images and many formats....files Open Word, PDF, Excel documents, images, slides, drawings...