radius_px property radius_px property Gets the radius of bubble, pie or doughnut in units of pixels after calls Chart......ChartPoint marker property shadow property English Русский 简体中文...
special_effect property special_effect property Gets and sets the special effect of the control. Definition: @propert......class ToggleButtonActiveXC shadow property text_align property...
special_effect property special_effect property Gets and sets the special effect of the control. Definition: @propert...... class ImageActiveXControl shadow property text_align property...
Aspose::Cells::Drawing::GroupBox::SetShadow method. Indicates whether the groupbox has Shadow in C++....Indicates whether the groupbox has shadow. void Aspose :: Cells :: Drawing...
Aspose::Cells::Charts::ChartFrame::GetShadow method. True if the frame has a Shadow in C++....method True if the frame has a shadow. bool Aspose :: Cells :: Charts...